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A Healthy Way To Wake Up in The Morning

Updated on November 2, 2012

Welcome to this hub. I never stop to give useful information for us. Health is important for us, regardless of our age. Start from kids, teenager, adult and for older person we have to concern our health no matter what. That's make me to continue to give useful information about healthy life, beside other hub about something unique even mysterious topic. This hub still related with sleeping . I think you all have to read my last hub about "The Benefit Of Sleeping For Health". It talks about how the important sleep for our health and how to reach good quality of sleeping. I just continuing about what do we do after sleeping. When we talk about the activity after sleeping, the best answer is wake up. Only wake Up, I don't think so. We need something different and I believe these all totally give us benefit for our healthy.

This hub talks about a healthy way to wake up in the morning. What do you do after wake up? We often meet various activities after wake up. Like: drink a cup of coffee or tea, watching television, reading newspaper, brushing our teeth, even take a bath directly after wake up. Are these activities gave us something benefit for our healthy? The answer is depends on our attitude in the morning after wake up. When we have good schedule in sleeping, even got good quality of sleeping. That is 7 until 8 hours. When you start sleeping at ten o'clock at night and you wake up at six o'clock in the morning. And then.....what next? I'll explain more detail about various activities we can do in the morning after wake up and these all absolutely give us something benefit for our health. Are you curious? Please continue reading.....

It sounded good when we get double benefit. The first benefit is during the sleeping and the second benefit is after wake up. Wow, we may never thought about this before. From simple activity, only sleep and the activity after wake up it give big contribution for our health. I hope we more care about this a little and pay attention for our daily activities like sleeping and wake up. So, how do we get healthy life only for waking up. Please check some information below.

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Doing stretches

To remind again, before going to bed to reach good quality of sleep, better doing stretches for the muscle and joints. But we also need some light exercise after wake up, by doing stretches slowly. Such as doing yoga or rotating movement of the body into right and left. This movement will help the body to collect energy, and keep your mind stay focused. Floating feeling in the head that often occur due to waking up too early will disappear soon.

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Once you are able to get out of bed, do some movement for blood circulation. By doing the crunch (lying down with knees bent and lifted the head, neck and shoulder), push-up, jumping a light, this is also quite helpful. But for older age can take a walk around the bed. The important key is moving your body.

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Avoid too much caffeine

I know most of us can avoid drink a cup or a glass of coffee after waking up. This was like a tradition or a little ceremony after waking up. Most of us believe that caffeine can make us awake all day. But consume them excessively (more than two cups in the morning) can make you weak at midday. One cup is enough to make your energy levels more stable. Better to reduce a little than give bad effect for our body. Or you can choose a cup of tea to replace coffee. Green tea is the best for us. But I can't push all of you to change your hobby from coffee to tea, but it nice to try.

Drink water

When sleeping, your body uses water storage and because of that you will lost your fluids when you wake up.  To get health during wake up try to drink a glass of water. Better drink a few glasses of water. Rehydration in your body with a few glasses of water will not only refresh the body, but also help stimulate your nervous system and digestive tract. Drink water before your body is filled with anything, like foods. I heard many testimonials from the people who doing this habit. And they felt better than before, I mean for their healthy.

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Create a regular schedule

Our body liked consistency. Following sleep and wake up schedule with the same pattern every day will make the body more easily woken in the morning. You will feel more energized throughout the day. Like I said above, we can set the time, when do we sleep and when do we wake up. We can set the alarm o'clock to waking up us in the morning. For example for eight hours of sleeping, we can set the clock from ten o'clock at night until six o'clock in the morning.

Select the alarm with soft music

I thought anyone wouldn't love to wake up because of loudly alarm sound. It could increase the risk of heart attack. Because the loudly sound can make the people with the heart problem can worsen this condition. Or we can use mobile phone as an alarm o'clock. Select the ringtone on the phone which can play soft music. So, you can wake up slowly. If necessary, place the phone a little far so you have to get up to turn it off.

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Take a bath immediately

Did you know that the most difficult thing when you wake up in the morning was take a bath? But here's the key. Immediately take a bath with cold water to wake up your nervous system and help you realize. After the bath, no more feeling lazy because your mind and your body was already "up".

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Having Breakfast

After the "fasted" all night, your body needs energy to move. Breakfast every morning (although only a piece of bread with jam or fruit) will make you feel more prepared to deal with activity early. Although it looks simple, but don't underestimate the magic of breakfast. I think we know about that. Like an engine of the car, it needed fuel to make the car run well. The fuel of our body is breakfast.

Dim light

Turn off the computer or TV an hour before you sleep. Bright light can distract your attention, so the brain is more difficult to rest. By building more comfortable atmosphere of sleep, you can sleep more soundly, and the body can adjust to waking up early.

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Take a deep breath

For some people, wake up in the morning could be the most anxious moments. Shadow of what must be faced in the office, or how to solve problems with a partner, will soon come to our mind. So, as soon as you wake up, take a time to breathe deeply to calm the body and mind. Start the day with a calm and relax, so that all activities in accordance with your good mood. I have simple tips. If your bedroom facing a garden or trees, try to open the window immediately after wake up and take a deep breath. Try to feel the fresh air into your nose and it distributed throughout the body. And let's say "Thanks God for giving me this oxygen". I believe this affirmation will work for us....amen.

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Related Hub:

  • The Benefit of Sleeping For Health

    Are you enough to sleep? How much time do you need for sleep? four hours, five hours, six hours or even seven hours. It depends on us, because we have different schedule of work. Sometimes we can predict when do we sleep? But I often meet the people who have regularly schedule for their sleep. When work over time, it can be sure we less in sleep, right! Maybe we sleep just for three hours or four hours. But do yo know that from sleep can restore the vitality of someone getting better.


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